In Part 1, we looked at a few of the things that parents of teenagers are doing right. We are going to continue on today and finish our top ten. Here we go!! 5) An increasing number of Parents are taking on the task of educating their children in one […]
10 Things Parents of Teens are Doing Right (Part 1)…
There seems to be so little good news when you combine the terms “parenting” and “teenagers”. Even a cursory search of the web for articles on parents who are doing it well nets you something like this at Buzzfeed (while funny, not terribly beneficial…). So amidst all the gloom, doom, and hand-wringing, […]
Salt the Chips!
This morning High School Sunday School, we had the following discussion: Question: Why are chips at the restaurants more salty than chips that you would buy at the grocery store? Why do you sometime see cooks add salt to the chips and salsa served at the local Mexican joint? Answer. […]
Gods Not Dead Movie….
Here are a few of my thoughts, after seeing the movie a second time. I am not going to include any spoilers for the plot, in case you have not yet seen the movie. Willie and Korrie Roberston’s testimony… Awesome. Pointing out the girl in the hijab who puts it […]
Heard at #SYMC – with @GregStier Deeper/Wider Track
Here are some great nuggets from a great Morning session: You don’t meet a lot of “ex-Mormons” after the 2 year missions trip. At that point, they ‘own’ their faith. Evangelism is not someone else’s responsibility,..its OURS You have the RIGHT to evangelize. we don’t have the right to be […]
YM on the Cheap: God’s Not Dead Movie….
If you have not heard about this movie, here is the trailer: I encourage you to contact your local theater to see if they are carrying it, request it, and take a group from your youth ministry or church. Work with your local churches to help bring it to your […]
Rural Stories from MyHope With Billy Graham…
This fall, I had the opportunity to do several youth worker trainings as part of the MyHope America with Billy Graham Campaign, and I got to connect with a lot of great people that are passionate about sharing Christ with their friends and neighbors. One of the things that resonated […]
Missions Minute: Update from Brent and Amanda Longenecker (1/14)…
A while back I posted about what “Brent The Stunt Guy” has been up to since returning to the Philippine Islands, and his involvement with typhoon relief there. Here is the latest from the Longeneckers…. Happy New Year to you. For sure! We just started a new church plant in […]
Adopt-A-Neighborhood Update (1/14)…
This post is an update to the original here… and here.. and here… and here… (you get the idea.) When I shared this idea with Greg Stier, after Lead the Cause University, I had no idea of the traction the idea would get, and what Greg had in mind to […]
Youth Ministry On the Cheap: Youth Family Christmas Party
Do you want an inexpensive and easy Christmas idea? I stumbled onto this one a few years ago, and it’s been successful ever since. Knowing that everyone is busy in December (Christmas parties, shopping, family and work get-togethers), I didn’t want to add one more event parents had to drag […]
Rural Ministry in a Grocery Store…
At a local Pastor’s prayer breakfast, I heard the following statement: I do a large part of my ministry at the local IGA. I see people that would never walk into my office for counseling. I ask them how they are doing and they tell me. A lot of times […]
What A Great Top Ten!!!
Greg Stier ( of Dare2Share Ministries posted an awesome encouragement to engage in Evangelism. Top 10 Reasons I Love Sharing My Faith 1. Beside dying on the cross for someone else’s sins, it is the ultimate way you can love your neighbor. 2. It is exciting! 3. It is a […]