So there’s this woman who gets carpal tunnel from the repetitive motion of texting clients all day. She has the surgery and some guy in the news decides to be clever by calling it “Blackberry Thumb”. Small problem, she clearly states in the story she was using an iPhone….FAIL! Were […]
Facebook in Ministry…
There are a lot of questions out there about using Facebook in ministry. Here is a good post by Tim with the do’s and dont’s . I want to know what your guidelines are for using Facebook in your ministry…. How (And How Not) To Use Facebook for Ministry | […]
This Is How Much the New iPhone 4 Signal Bars Have Grown
I’ve been sitting on this story for a little while, but in the depth of Apple’s “Anntenna-gate”, Apple released iOS 4.1. Gizmodo claimed that one of the “fixes” was that it made the first couple bars of signal taller to make it feel like your signal wasn’t as bad as […]
Insure Your Marriage?
I thought a Pre-Nup was kind of a chicken-livered approach to marriage, but this takes that idea of non-committed commitments to a new low! A firm now sells divorce insurance that pays out if your marriage fails. Is this going to become a cultural norm? I sure hope not.. What […]
Facebook Status
This was from a guy I went to college with: Worship at Northland Baptist, wish you (yes you reading this) were here! Hope you are worshipping somewhere this morning. Some people are at football game worshipping better than most church goers. They dress for the occasion, the are much more […]
You have got to be kidding me….. How could this be of any educational value? Parents, anyone up for shelling out for this class for your kids? You run into resistence when the Bible comes into play, but Zombies are fair game.. Something seems backwards here… Zombie-themed college course: Would […]
Top Ten Excuses Every Youth Group Student Makes
This post is in response to Life in Student Ministry’s 100 Blog Topics I hope You Write #87 Top 10 Excuses Every Youth Group Student Makes: #10. I want to look different, just like everyone else. #9. I’m too busy with all the other stuff I’m doing #8. I don’t […]
The Google Phone "Nexus One" Specs are Revealed….
[Image Thanks to BGR] The specs have allegedly leaked for the Nexus One/Google Phone/iPhone Killer/Whatever, and they look very impressive: According the the tip sent into Engadget, the Nexus One will feature: Android 2.1 512MB RAM, 512MB ROM 3.7-inch WVGA AMOLED display microSD expansion (4GB microSD included, expandable to 32GB) […]
Smartphones and Pastors Make Strange Bedfellows…Part 1 – iPhone 3G/GS
Part One of a Series… At 30 years old, I have seen some interesting trends in technology. For example, I remember when most of the available cell phones came in a bag. The move to text-messaging, facebook, and mobile-friendly internet has made life interesting as a web-developer and as a […]
Are You All In?…
Are we truly giving God all He deserves? Last night at a Prayer meeting I attend, one of the leaders in our Men’s Ministry prayed a prayer that struck me and challenged with a few phrases : “God Help us remember it’s all yours, everything” – We in America in […]
RIM Tops in Smartphone Sales, despite bad browser…..
Apple’s not so dirty little secret is that Blackberry is consistently besting iPhone sales quarter by quarter, even to the point of record profits this quarter for RIM (Research in Motion). In fact, the top three selling smartphones last quater all were fruits, but none were Apples! Think what could […]
Get in the Game…[Repost]
You cannot get in the game if you do not know the rules: You would be not very smart to step on the football field without reading the rulebook or the playbook. In fact, the coach would be not very smart for letting you walk in the field in that […]