YM For Cheap!

Yes, you can get stuff for free!

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Around Christmas, I had posted some opportunities to get stuff for free (still working on the iPad). I have had several people respond “get back with me when you have proof it works”. I now have proof. I also was working on an iPod touch 32gb as a giveaway within […]

Web Design , YM For Cheap!

Advertising Changes…

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The best way to describe my traffic figures are: funny. There are dips and spikes all over the place. That is not terribly conducive to traditional affiliate marketing ads. For the months of February and March, I am giving away advertising. Some will be to Friends/Clients the rest will be decided by […]

YM For Cheap!


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This is a sad story. We live in a society that a 10 year old child would kill their parent over chores…I can’t imagine what feelings are reeling through this town… http://abcnews.go.com/US/boy-killed-mom-firewood-chore/story?id=12537130