If you have been in ministry any length of time, you may have heard the phrase “missions begins at home”. That is exactly what we are doing here at MinistryPlace.net with the new Missions Monday series. Our first look is at local outreach. What are you doing locally to reach […]
May 2017 Newsletter
My latest newsletter is out. You can read it Here. Please take a moment and pray for the ministry. Thank you.
Five Ways to Welcome New Church Staff to Your Community… A How-to guide.
If you live in a community of any size, there is a decent probability that one of the churches will have hired new or replacement staff members. Uprooting and moving a family two miles or two thousand miles is a big deal. How can the believers in your local community […]
In response to request from some ministry friends, I am going back and publishing audio and PDF notes from messages I’ve given at rural churches in Illinois and Indiana. Pulpit supply has been a sizable part of my ministry lately. I have been able to serve Pastors and churches in […]
Remembering Columbine… Never Again.
On April 20, 1999. Things changed. Not everyone that day knew just exactly how wide ranging those changes would be, but there was a huge cultural shift. The school shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado was one of stories that helped to form our current 24 hour news cycle. […]
The 600th post…
In 2007 and early 2008, I had a crazy idea to start a ministry blog. I never imagined it would lead me through two different churches, seeing the addition of two more children to my family, through writing a book, and speaking and traveling all over the country as part […]
4 Things to Look for at #SYMC2016
This weekend is the “reboot” of Simply Youth Ministry Conference in Chicago. Whether this is your first time here or you are an “old pro”, There are four things you should look for this weekend. Look for Jesus – Conferences are often disorienting. It’s easy to lose your way in […]
The Purpose of Youth Ministry…
Yesterday, I attended my mom’s church in Southern Illinois. The Pastor gave a message based on John 4, the woman at the well. One of the statements that the pastor made summed up the passage well, but also encapsulated what we should be modeling as youth workers: “Jesus knew everything […]
What does a Rural Ministry Specialist do?
In my work with National Network of Youth Ministries, I get asked this question a lot. A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to share about my work with NNYM at Nyesville Full Gospel Church. The presentation gives a great overview of the work I do in Illinois, Indiana […]
Help Wanted…
Today’s teenagers are struggling with issues that I never would have dreamed of as a teen. Many of them also lack the home support system that most of us enjoyed growing up. Where are they getting their influence? Every town has several churches with youth workers that desire to reach […]
An interesting observation….
I visit many churches as part of my role with NNYM. They have been different denominations and sizes, but a pattern emerges as churches adopt technology such as PowerPoint and other presentation software. The really small churches tend to have the pastor running it from up front, while seeking others […]
Microsoft Will Never Call You…
Microsoft will never call you about a virus, lottery, or your upgrade options. They have said as much.Right Here. They do not have the time or staff to do so. I say this as a public service to you the reader. Trust me, I see what happens several times a […]