This has been on the Net for a while (I first used it in 2004!), but Lifeway has just reposted this on their site and it is a very good tool. If you are starting out in Student Ministry, this is a resource worth a look. You can’t beat it […]
Top 10 Excuses Every Youth Group Student Makes:
Top 10 Excuses Every Youth Group Student Makes: #10. I want to look different, just like everyone else. #9. I’m too busy with all the other stuff I’m doing #8. I don’t read the Bible because I don’t understand it (but yet can’t understand it because I don’t read it…) […]
Former NFL Linebacker Plants Church…Makes it Transformational
Fox Charlotte ran a story this Sunday on the launch of a new church in the Charlotte area, called Transformation Church. “This is an incredible day. Several months ago we had no building, no money, no anything, and now transformation church has been launched,” Gray says. After serving as co-pastor […]
#symc2010 The Myth of the Rockstar Youth Pastor
There’s a time for laughter… This is a topic that has been simmering since a January discussion with one of my dear friends who is a former youth pastor (now senior pastor). We discussed where youth ministry is going and where it has been. We can laugh at videos like […]
Sometimes we make things harder than they have to be…
In ministry, we often are waiting and looking for “the next big thing“. This causes us to look and research and ponder and pander to things that often don’t really matter. One of the blogs I follow posted a link to the “Parable of the Toaster“, which as an IT […]
Top Ten Excuses Every Youth Group Student Makes
This post is in response to Life in Student Ministry’s 100 Blog Topics I hope You Write #87 Top 10 Excuses Every Youth Group Student Makes: #10. I want to look different, just like everyone else. #9. I’m too busy with all the other stuff I’m doing #8. I don’t […]
Smartphones and Pastors Make Strange Bedfellows…Part 1 – iPhone 3G/GS
Part One of a Series… At 30 years old, I have seen some interesting trends in technology. For example, I remember when most of the available cell phones came in a bag. The move to text-messaging, facebook, and mobile-friendly internet has made life interesting as a web-developer and as a […]
Are You All In?…
Are we truly giving God all He deserves? Last night at a Prayer meeting I attend, one of the leaders in our Men’s Ministry prayed a prayer that struck me and challenged with a few phrases : “God Help us remember it’s all yours, everything” – We in America in […]
Reaching Rural Kids Versus Reaching Urban Kids:
This post is in response to a post on called “100 Blog topics I hope YOU write“: I am in my eighth year of Youth Ministry, serving in West-Central Indiana. I have spent the majority of this time in Rural Ministry. I come from a Cattle/Row Crop Farm […]
What A Great Top Ten!!!
Greg Stier ( of Dare2Share Ministries posted an awesome encouragement to engage in Evangelism. Top 10 Reasons I Love Sharing My Faith 1. Beside dying on the cross for someone else’s sins, it is the ultimate way you can love your neighbor. 2. It is exciting! 3. It is a […]
Internet Explorer 5.5 and the Church…A Fair Comparison?
Not Long ago, ChurchCrunch took a look at IE 5.5 and the comparison to
methods of doing Church in America. I found some of the points very