Closing the Country Club and Opening the Hospital…

The following is a “dangerous” prayer. You have been warned.


Let us close the club we have been calling “church” for so long. Let us push aside our agendas so that Yours may be in the center of what we do. Let us stop worshiping comfort and start worshiping You. Let us realize how much we need You, and not just the stuff you give us. 

Let us open a Hospital in its place. Let us reach out to those who are broken, hurting, and lonely, so that in turn You will show us how broken, hurt, and lonely WE really are. Let us be THAT CHURCH in the community; The one that welcomes and loves everyone. Let us be a welcome beacon of hope in these dark times that point people toward You –  not us, our programs, or our egos.

Let us be a welcoming place to all who enter. Not for the sake of numbers, influence, or pride – but for the sake of building Your kingdom.

Let us speak Your truth (in love, not judgement) to all who are here, so that You may have ALL the glory from what you are doing around us.


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