This post is in response to Life in Student Ministry’s 100 Blog Topics I hope You Write #87
Top 10 Excuses Every Youth Group Student Makes:
#10. I want to look different, just like everyone else.
#9. I’m too busy with all the other stuff I’m doing
#8. I don’t read the Bible because I don’t understand it (but yet can’t understand it because I don’t read it…)
#7. The _____________service is too boring/wild/loud/quiet/deep/shallow/_________, so I stay home.
#6. None of my friends will be there — Well have you invited them? —–No….
#5. I’ll learn the Bible when I get older.
#4. People will think I’m wierd
#3. I might get beat up (honestly had a 6′ tall 200+ lb HS Senior tell me that once….)
#2. I don’t know how to share the gospel
#1. My salvation is dependent on grace, so any good works i do don’t really matter. (with no answer for James 2:20…)
I’d love to hear your list…
How can #3 be a top ten if it was said once?
Heard it a lot from my middle school students, but it kinda shocked me to hear it from a rather large HS Senior…