The River.

Today,  I was at Big Thompson River in Colorado. God showed me an important lesson about how He works. He told me to look at the rapids. They are fast and dangerous. They were filled with sharp rocks.

God told me to look at the edge of the river. There were many pools of water that were calm. I asked  what that meant. He directed me to look at the large rocks at the edge of the pool. They made the pools calm. Things that floated into those pools stayed in the calm for a while. But ultimately, what was floating in the pool would move back out into the river. It was almost said it was a resting time between the rapids and going back out.

God showed me that this picture is ministry. It will be fast, dangerous, and ugly. If you trust in Him, let Him be your rock and shield and you will experience rest before going back out into the rapid pace of ministry. Wow. That was profound but God wasn’t finished.

I was directed to walk farther down the river. God showed me a place that was flowing, moving, but much calmer. God told me that when you survive the rough waters, your rest, and back into the rough waters, there is a place that still moves, but with few rocks and calmer waters. I also noticed that the water was not so shallow that nothing floating could be carried downstream, but it was also Not so deep that the water was still with little movement.

The depth of the water was very significant to me. In ministry, we can risk being so shallow that no one is able to move forward in their spiritual life. But it is important not to dig so deep that there is little movement in the direction God desires for us to go.

We must remember that even past the calm waters there will be more rocks and rapids, but there are also more calm waters in this journey we call serving Him.

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