I have been doing Mobile Technology Needs Analysis for clients and friends for a few years. It used to be very cut and dry. you worked through a few questions and you are done…T-Mobile changed that for me in October. Thanks… The questions used to be (which works for everyone […]
The Google Phone "Nexus One" Specs are Revealed….
[Image Thanks to BGR] The specs have allegedly leaked for the Nexus One/Google Phone/iPhone Killer/Whatever, and they look very impressive: According the the tip sent into Engadget, the Nexus One will feature: Android 2.1 512MB RAM, 512MB ROM 3.7-inch WVGA AMOLED display microSD expansion (4GB microSD included, expandable to 32GB) […]
Smartphones and Pastors Make Strange Bedfellows…Part 1 – iPhone 3G/GS
Part One of a Series… At 30 years old, I have seen some interesting trends in technology. For example, I remember when most of the available cell phones came in a bag. The move to text-messaging, facebook, and mobile-friendly internet has made life interesting as a web-developer and as a […]
RIM Tops in Smartphone Sales, despite bad browser…..
Apple’s not so dirty little secret is that Blackberry is consistently besting iPhone sales quarter by quarter, even to the point of record profits this quarter for RIM (Research in Motion). In fact, the top three selling smartphones last quater all were fruits, but none were Apples! Think what could […]
Church Website Design Series…Churches With Good Websites…#1 (In No Particular Order)
This is the fist in a new series at Ministryplace that is going to look at church websites that are done well (and maybe some later that are not done as well)….. *Want Your Church Website Reviewed? Comment it! Southridge Church (southridgechurch.ca) *What They Did Well*: – Good use of […]
Internet Explorer 5.5 and the Church…A Fair Comparison?
Not Long ago, ChurchCrunch took a look at IE 5.5 and the comparison to
methods of doing Church in America. I found some of the points very