The other day, I posted an announcement about serving at Bloomingdale Friends church for the remainder of 2017 as their Transitional Pastor. I want to follow that up by writing a little about what a transitional pastor is (and isn’t). If you really want to dig into what the position […]
Transitional Assistance…
So a former southern baptist youth pastor who works for a non-denominational parachurch ministry walks into a Quaker Church… This is not the lead up to a really great “preacher joke”, this is life right now, and truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. When you follow God’s call, you don’t […]
You’re Tracking The Wrong Metrics in Rural Ministry…
I know, I used a buzzword. Whether you are in Church Growth, Business, Marketing, SEO, or Fantasy Sports, the word “Metrics” carrries a heavy connotation. Its one of measuring and evaluting everything for the sake of making things better. In a lot of rural churches, this would be a large […]
4 Tax Tips for Ministers…
Its that time of the year again, Tax Time! Many people dread it, most are simply happy when it is over. In ministry, we have several unique factors to our taxes that many of us struggle with. At MinistryPlace.Net, we are here to be a help to those serving in […]
Just Stop It Already!…
“Why do we do this ministry every year?” “Well…kinda because we’ve always been the ones to do It?….” We have all had that conversation in our churches. There seems to be that one ministry in every church that is a sacred cow that happens every year only because it happened […]
Tablet or Notebook?…
Everybody has that person they can call, text, Facebook, or Twitter message when they have tech questions. For a lot of people, I’m that guy. Most of the time its questions about what smartphone, laptop, or tablet for personal/home use, but occasionally I get questions about what to use in […]
Guest Post: Ministry to Homeschool Families
Note from MinistryPlace: Vicki Williams is a Pastor’s wife in a rural community in Missouri, mother of seven, and a homeschool mom. She will be joining as a Featured Writer in 2014. We wanted to give you an early taste of what is coming… When you think of homeschooling the […]
RYM Video Podcast:”Adopt A Neighborhood” Video…
While this is not an “official” episode of the The RYM Video Podcast, It’s a topic we will be going into soon… I have been asked for a little more information on the “Adopt A Neighborhood” project our student ministry is doing this year. Here is the video I shot. […]