Summer does not have to be a slow time in Student Ministry. In fact, Summer has been pretty crazy at our church this year. That has been good. We have had a team of students help lead a VBS for a small church(20 people small) in Southern Illinois. We had two students Take part in Lead the Cause University. Last Sunday, our students lead the Sunday morning service. They gave the adults an evangelism training. They gave a challenge of “this is what we’re doing, we would love you to come alongside us and join in”. The Adults were challenged to write names of those who need Jesus and those who are going to join them in the Cause of sharing Christ on an 8ft x 8ft “Cause Circle’ at the front of the Sanctuary. It was well received by the adults.
If that weren’t enough for the week, Wednesday our teenagers lead a childrens outreach night at our church, using some of the VBS material that the mission team used in Southern Illinois. It was awesome. We had 27 children show up for worship, games, crafts, and a lesson and gospel presentation. Several kids had deep spiritual conversations with adult helpers, and at least one young lady got to meet her heavenly daddy!! It was her first time in our church. She was invited by a couple of our teenagers who live next door. God blessed that in a huge way. This brand new believer now wants to bring her unchurched mom to church (who had a bad experience with church as a kid). I am praying that God uses these two teenagers to help change a spiritual family tree next door.
This is not rocket-science. It is simply giving students opportunities to lead the charge of evangelism. Sometimes it may be the boldness of the teenagers that cause the adults to step up and do what they know they are commanded to do, (Matthew 28:18-20) yet failing to do. In your church, you may have adults that are on fire for telling others about Christ. Great. Plug some teens in with them so they can see it modeled to by the adults.
And one last thing for this week. One of our Lead the Cause University students got to meet with the School Campus Ministry sponsors, local youth pastors, and a local Youth for Christ director to discuss what is working on their campus, what needs to change, and what they can do to partner with local churches for the purpose of better utilizing the mission field of the school campus for the purpose of pointing teenagers to Christ.
I can’t wait to see the things that are coming in the next few weeks.
Next week starts the ministry at the County fair. Let’s do this.