One of the featured missionaries in the missions module of LifeWay’s VBS this year is a Church planter in Canada that plants house churches in unreached neighborhoods and small towns throughout Canada. Some of their methods were interesting. It got me to thinking that there are some pieces of what they do that could really be replicated anywhere. One of the things they did was start where many church plants do – small groups in homes.
What if a rural church partnered with a larger church (or even used resources from a place like that made resources freely available) and purchased a couple streaming boxes (like an appleTV or a Roku) and started small groups in some unreached neighborhoods that are in a reasonable proximity to the church? Many homes even in rural areas are equipped with a TV and internet. The main costs would be a little food and $100 or less for the hardware. What could be the impact? This could allow those with a gift of hospitality to maximize that and connect people to the Gospel, who may not be especially gifted teachers. They can press play and help ask a few questions to guide spiritual conversations.
Is your church already doing something like this? If so, share in the comments below how this is working, and suggestions that would help make it a success…