This guest post is from Kevin Patterson. Kevin is the Youth Pastor at FBC Dawson Springs, Kentucky. He blogs at Life in The Youth Ministry Fishbowl
Guest When I ran into Brent at SYMC and he approached me about doing some Rural Youth Ministry guest posts, I thought “Looky here boys! Good times have come our way!” (To quote Phil Robertson). But then I thought, What in the world do I know about Rural Youth Ministry? After reading Brent’s book I realized I’ve been doing Rural Youth Ministry since I’ve been in youth ministry! I just never thought of it like that. It was just my ministry setting. But it got me to thinking, what makes Rural Youth Ministry different? So I thought for my first guest post I would have a little fun, (hopefully) get a few laughs, and maybe a few haughty “Amens” from my rural Southern Baptist brethren. So here’s a list of “You know you’re in rural youth ministry if….” in no particular order:
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