In our High School Sunday School Class this week we talked a little about a phenomenon that can easily occur in the American church “culture” – misplaced reproduction. You see, the Great Commission (or THE Cause as Dare2Share calls it), directs each of us to make disciples –> we should make more of what we are. The American Church has done that well. Unfortunately, we have not made what Christ has called us to make…Maybe…
- We’ve been called to make disciples that make more disciples, but we’ve sat in the pews, and made more people that sit in the pews.
- We’ve been called to go into all the world to make disciples that are willing to go anywhere for the cause of Christ, but we’ve stayed in the church building and brought in more, and made more people comfortable to stay with us.
A wise pastor once said that sheep make more sheep, shepherds make more shepherds – we make more of what we are. Pastors should make more Pastors, Missionaries should make more Missionaries, Committed Church members should make more. As a Youth Pastor, I’m working on making more people that are committed to taking Christ’s message to a lost and hurting generation of teenagers.
Are you reproducing what Christ has called you to?