RYM Podcast Episode 3 – Finance Policies and Fundraising…

In Rural Ministry, resources can be hard to come by, whether its money, facilities or volunteers. IN this episode, I discuss working with the fundraising policies of your church and share a couple ideas for getting the funding you need.

What are fundraising ideas that have worked in your ministry?
Please share them in the comments below!

3 thoughts on “RYM Podcast Episode 3 – Finance Policies and Fundraising…

  1. Fundraising through various activities as sales, silent auctions, walk-a-thons, races, or entertainment events is a popular revenue generator for charitable and non-profit organizations. However, quite a few obstacles exist in the pursuit of running a successful fundraiser, including lacking or overworked volunteers, limited payment methods, limited reach, and overall process inefficiencies.`;

    Freshest article on our personal blog site

  2. We have held a MINI-GOLF outing/tournament. Same rules and fun of a traditional golf outing… just with way more colorful landscaping. We get hole sponsors and ask for prize donations… give awards, etc.

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