I received an interesting Facbook notification first thing this morning. Late last night Kevin Patterson tagged me and 9 other people, stating that he was challenged by a friend to choose 10 people publicly on social media to pray for in the coming week. Kevin added the ministries those people represented as well as their spouse/significant other.
I am going to up the ante a little more and hopefully make this a great, positive, far-reaching thing for all that are involved.
1) Create your post with the ten people that you are praying for (I recommend that you choose 5 in your church, 5 that are not.
2) This week, pray for that person daily, including their family and ministry
3) Tag each person, including the person who challenged you.
4) Now The Hard Part… Actually pray for those people this week.
Feel free to add a link to this article as part of of your challenge post.
Let’s do this, expecting to see God do great things for His kingdom as we pray for others both inside and outside our churches/ministries.
When the week is over, come back and share the great things God has done!!