
guest postsThe following is from an upcoming resource at called Letters to a Teenager. As I was writing this, I strongly felt that this was something that youth leaders need to hear right now, as students start their school year.

If you have a resource or idea to share with other youth workers, go here, or click the ad in this article..

– Brent


Leader, When is a time in your life that you did not feel accepted?



The students you teach struggle every day with feeling accepted. In their homes, their schools, even in youth group. Its not just “those kids”. It’s all of them.  Even as adults in a loving church, we can posture ourselves one way or another to feel more accepted. Stop IT! you already are accepted by the creator of the universe (See Romans 5:8). Let that be enough. Live in that truth. Let THAT truth define how you see yourself. Let this truth that is bigger than you spill over into the lives of the students you are teaching this week.


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