Many of you that use mobile devices use Flipboard. It is a well designed tool for consuming content that you choose. In the short time Flipboard has been available, there have been several improvements, including a web app, and the ability to “create your own magazine”. We have done that […]
Rural Pastor, You Need to Write…
Pastor, I have a suggestion. No, I’m not the person begging for your attention directly before or after the sermon to let you know the restrooms are out of toilet paper… This is a matter that directly affects you. Its about how you communicate the message of the gospel to […]
@perrynoble and 10 Convictions on the Church…
Today, Perry Noble posted a list on 10 convictions about the church. Some of them I agree with, some I need to think/pray about before I respond openly. However, there are two things to learn from this list: 1) What are your convictions that you operate under? Are they fluid, […]
A Unique Fundraising Idea
I have a fundraising idea that’s a bit out of the box. I’ll warn you that it is not conventional. It’s not exactly easy either. But, if done right, it could net your youth group a good amount of money and cost you almost nothing to do it. Willing to […]
Lets Start a Facebook Prayer Meeting…
I received an interesting Facbook notification first thing this morning. Late last night Kevin Patterson tagged me and 9 other people, stating that he was challenged by a friend to choose 10 people publicly on social media to pray for in the coming week. Kevin added the ministries those people […]
#RuralMinistry Resources You Can Use: Multiply…
In a Rural Ministry, budgets can be tight. You may think you do not have the resources to use small group curriculum in your ministry. Here is a resource that is available for free to your church or ministry from David Platt and Francis Chan called Multiply. Multiply is a […]
Using a Microsoft Surface RT in Ministry…
Eventually, it was going to happen. At some point it would be time to upgrade to a different tablet. I just didn’t know when. Through a strange series of events, helped along by Craigslist, I became the owner of a Microsoft Surface RT. I spent a couple days testing this unit […]
Small Church, Small Church Plants
One of the featured missionaries in the missions module of LifeWay’s VBS this year is a Church planter in Canada that plants house churches in unreached neighborhoods and small towns throughout Canada. Some of their methods were interesting. It got me to thinking that there are some pieces of what […]
#RuralMinistry Tech on The Cheap: LG Optimus F3
If you have read this blog for any amount of time, you know I am a happy T-Mobile customer. Through an odd series of events and mail server changes, I had to replace my Windows Phone with an Android device. My budget was “cheap”, so I looked at what T-Mobile sold […]
Tablet or Notebook?…
Everybody has that person they can call, text, Facebook, or Twitter message when they have tech questions. For a lot of people, I’m that guy. Most of the time its questions about what smartphone, laptop, or tablet for personal/home use, but occasionally I get questions about what to use in […]
Rural Stories from MyHope With Billy Graham…
This fall, I had the opportunity to do several youth worker trainings as part of the MyHope America with Billy Graham Campaign, and I got to connect with a lot of great people that are passionate about sharing Christ with their friends and neighbors. One of the things that resonated […]
Christmas Shopping Guide: Vinci Tablets
One of our new Advertisers, Vinci Genius has sent MinistryPlace.Net an early Christmas present! It’s called the Vinci Tab M II. Vinci is manufactured by a company in Canada named Rullingnet targeted toward children and parents of young children (under 9). The goal of the tablet is to provide a solid […]