The other day, I posted an announcement about serving at Bloomingdale Friends church for the remainder of 2017 as their Transitional Pastor. I want to follow that up by writing a little about what a transitional pastor is (and isn’t). If you really want to dig into what the position […]
Transitional Assistance…
So a former southern baptist youth pastor who works for a non-denominational parachurch ministry walks into a Quaker Church… This is not the lead up to a really great “preacher joke”, this is life right now, and truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. When you follow God’s call, you don’t […]
An interesting observation….
I visit many churches as part of my role with NNYM. They have been different denominations and sizes, but a pattern emerges as churches adopt technology such as PowerPoint and other presentation software. The really small churches tend to have the pastor running it from up front, while seeking others […]
Rural Pastor, You Need to Write…
Pastor, I have a suggestion. No, I’m not the person begging for your attention directly before or after the sermon to let you know the restrooms are out of toilet paper… This is a matter that directly affects you. Its about how you communicate the message of the gospel to […]
An Early Christmas Gift for SBC Pastors…
Christmas is coming, you are decorating the trees that are in your churches, hanging lights, and putting up the nativity set. We all know that there may be a lot of new faces (or ones we only see a couple times a year) at church on Christmas Sunday. Many churches […]