The people who have not heard of Cryptomining are in the majority, so lets begin here. To give a very simple definition, Cryptomining is using the processing power of your video card and/or CPU to solve complex algorithms in the attempt to uncover parts of digital currency. The algorithms both […]
You’re Tracking The Wrong Metrics in Rural Ministry…
I know, I used a buzzword. Whether you are in Church Growth, Business, Marketing, SEO, or Fantasy Sports, the word “Metrics” carrries a heavy connotation. Its one of measuring and evaluting everything for the sake of making things better. In a lot of rural churches, this would be a large […]
The Blogging Congregation…
I attend a small church in a rural community. I’m talking less than 150 on Sunday morning small. Yet, I see two trends in our church that I hope speak to the future of growing churches. The first is that the fastest growing and most engaged group is shifting from […]
Is This A Lesson on Grace? How would you respond? Demand justice or give mercy? Are you more like the phone owner or the Police? Share your thoughts in the comments below…
Don’t be a “Bath and Body Works” Youthworker…
Note to our female readers: This post is written by a male. We see things a little differently, and that’s ok. Hang with me, this satire makes a point… When I hear the words “Bath and Body Works” as a guy, two things come to mind. 1) The migraine-inducing mix […]
How to truly #DefundPlannedParenthood …
Unless you have been living under a rock the last few months, you know there is an ongoing battle to defund Planned Parenthood on the state and national level in the legislatures. As the lawmakers return from their month of recess, the rhetoric on both sides will undoubtedly escalate. I […]
Which Kingdom?…
A few weeks ago, I preached a message on 1 Kings 12. This passage covers the breaking of Israel into the Northern and southern Kingdom, following the death of King Solomon. In the message, I posed the question, “Which kingdom are you in?”. The North had much more in […]
July Monthly Ministry Update…
The July Monthly Ministry Update is out. You can download it here.
Ministry is Generational. We cannot forget this. EVER.
Last week I attended the visitation for a friend that I wish I would have gotten to know more before Alzheimers did the awful things that it does to a person over the process of many years. I can tell you that he served others, and he served his church […]
Guest Post : Three Things I’ve Learned from Cross-Cultural Student Ministry…
Editor’s Note: This guest post is by Tim Totten. Tim is the Associate/Youth Pastor at Gibson City Bible Church in Gibson City, Illinois. ———————————————————————————————– It was nine years ago when I first set foot in in that little church in Smolensk, Russia, a city about 250 miles west of Moscow. […]
Rural Ministry in a Global Society….
The other day, I was reminded of the globalization of our society when I was at the gas station. No, I am not going to be talking about any stereotypes of workers in your local gas station. I live not far from Turkey Run State Park in Indiana. Its kind […]
The Difference…
One of the big questions in ministry circles today is “How do you equip students to carry their faith into College and adult life?”. There have been some great research and voices to this conversation, including a work by Chap Clark and Kara Powell at Fuller Youth Institute called “Sticky Faith“. […]