I’ve been blessed with a finance committee that sees the way that I do youth ministry isn’t really described as typical. The Space we meet in is not conducive to a computer lab, or even a “mini-lab” so we have gone highly portable. We have gone primarily with Android-Based tablets […]
Search Results for: connected classroom
Connected Classroom Project: Options
This week in testing, we made an suprising discovery. The ZT-180 tablets do an amazing job running Windows CE 6.0r3 Embedded. The speed is very snappy, the OS load is about half the size of Android 2.1. The boot is about 10ish seconds, and shutdown is almost instant. The touchscreen […]
Connected Classroom Project Part 2: Software
In an earlier post, I talked about the Theory and Hardware of the project. Today is the software. As with all of this project, your mileage may vary, you may have different needs, based on your group and your facility. We did choose base hardware of Zenithink ZT-180 based Android […]
Connected Classroom Project: Part 1 – Theory and Hardware
In a previous post, I discussed the need for Youth Pastors and Churches to think “outside the box” in using Technology to reach today’s generation of teens. In different areas of the country, it is going to look vastly different. I will outline what it looks like here in West […]
The Bookless School District….
Back to school brought some new changes at one of the local school districts in my area. They ditched the textbook. That’s right. No textbooks, anywhere. All the way from k-12, they have implemented iPads, and the combination netbook/tablet pictured here for EVERY student. I use a unit from Asus […]
Finally Here….
There have been some changes behind the scenes at here at MinistryPlace.Net in the last several months. They are finally starting to take shape…. Improved Design – First you will notice a simpler design scheme to make things easier to find and the advertisements have been pared to a minimum. […]
Changing Gears…
Some might notice that MinistryPlace.Net has been strangely silent lately. I am working on some new stuff that is going to be rolled out over the next couple months that are hopefully going to be some great resources for you Youth Workers out there. The “Connected Classroom Project” is slated […]